The New FieldBots Radar ROI Calculator

You now have a quick answer at hand!

Have you noticed it yet? We have integrated a new, free service into FieldBots Radar. You will now find the “ROI Calculator” menu item in the main menu. Here, you can calculate with just a few entries whether and when using a floor-cleaning robot is worthwhile for you or your customers.

All you need to enter is information about the robot in question:

  • How many square meters does your model manage per battery charge
  • How many minutes does your robot spend on a cleaning run
  • How much does your robot cost, and what additional expenses can be expected

On the other hand:

  • What salary do you expect a human cleaner to earn, and what cleaning output do you expect from them?

After entering all the required information, you will automatically receive the time to break even and the expected savings through the use of robotics in the last lines of the table.

We hope you enjoy using our new calculator tool! Click here

Notice: Of course, the results are only approximations, but they can give you a quick impression of how worthwhile the use of automated helpers can be.