Robots Make Their Way into Indian Airports
As reported by wionews.com, cleaning robots are being used at Trivandrum International Airport for the first time in India.

The exciting thing is that while classic mopping robots are already well integrated at international airports, the focus of the Indian airport is on underground work. In the future, Genrobotic robots will be used to remove dirt and rainwater from the canals.
Link to article:https://www.wionews.com/india-news/robots-set-to-clean-international-airport-in-thiruvananthapuram-in-what-could-be-a-first-for-india-741663
Link to product: https://www.genrobotics.org/ProductPages/wilboar
Tray Return Robots in Distress
The service robotics are making progress in every nook and cranny. Increasingly, buildings are being cleaned automatically, and security is ensured by drones and robots serving restaurant visitors.
Despite all the optimism, there is naturally always some disillusionment. Robotics is not (yet) the right solution for every use case. The Asian news network CNA, for example, is observing the gradual disappearance of dish-carrying robots from Singaporean food courts.
Link to article: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/tray-return-robots-food-courts-cleaners-4488006
Researchers Declare War on Cigarette Ends
Initially, it may sound like a niche project, but the robot presented in the video, VERO, is pursuing a serious goal. Around 6 trillion cigarettes are consumed worldwide every year, 4.5 trillion of which end up discarded on the ground and release around 700 different toxic substances into the ecosystem.
A detailed study of the project has been written and is available online.
Link to study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rob.22350
Specialization of robots continues
While Elon Musk and his competitors are trying to develop all-in-one solutions with humanoid robots, the trend toward specialization continues in service robotics.
Richtech Robotics from Nevada, for example, has just presented an intralogistics robot specifically for transporting medicines. This closes a significant gap in the process automation of hospitals and healthcare facilities.

The appliance is suitable for elevators and stores its transported goods safely.
Link to article: https://insights.globalspec.com/article/22734/new-robot-makes-pharmacy-deliveries
Link to the product: https://www.richtechrobotics.com/medbot
Robotics and artificial intelligence are driving the office space market in Bangalore
Seeing the impact of the two vital growth areas of robotics and artificial intelligence is exciting. As published by “The Hans India,” these two technologies were the dominant factor in the absorption of office space. AI and robotics companies accounted for 21% of the city’s absorption in the second quarter.
Bangalore is the center of the Indian high-tech industry. Overall, the IT sector, including AI and robotics, accounted for 69 percent of the city’s absorption in the second quarter of 2024.
Link to article: